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Hybrid & Multi-Cloud

NexusTek’s hybrid and multi-cloud computing solutions offer the control and choice you need to create a customized IT infrastructure for your business.

What Is Hybrid Cloud?

The hybrid cloud model consists of a combination of public and private cloud infrastructure. Private cloud environments are those in which computing resources are dedicated to a single customer, and public cloud environments are those that utilize shared or multi-tenant environments, in which multiple customers simultaneously use the same infrastructure. A common example of the hybrid cloud model is when businesses maintain a portion of their data and applications in on-premises infrastructure while maintaining another portion of their data and applications in a public cloud hosting environment.

What Is Multi-Cloud?

Multi-cloud refers to a single customer’s use of two or more public cloud solutions. For example, a company may use one public cloud provider for its customer relationship management software and a different public cloud provider for Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). Multi-cloud is distinct from hybrid cloud in that multi-cloud only refers to use of public cloud solutions, while hybrid cloud is a combination of private and public cloud. However, it is possible for a hybrid cloud to also be multi-cloud. This is the case when a company uses more than one public cloud solution in combination with private cloud infrastructure. 

NexusTek Hybrid & Multi-Cloud Solutions

Whether you are seeking a hybrid cloud infrastructure, a multi-cloud model, or a combination of the two, NexusTek offers a variety of cloud solutions that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. NexusTek offers both private and public cloud services:

NexusTek Virtual Desktop

The NexusTek Virtual Desktop (NVD) is a Windows-based desktop that is hosted in the NexusTek Cloud. NVD comes with robust security features and can be accessed on any device, from any location with an internet connection. Compatible with popular business applications such as Microsoft 365, our NVD solution provides an ideal foundation for your hybrid or multi-cloud workstation.

NexusTek Cloud

The NexusTek Cloud offers the technological sophistication of big-name public cloud hosting providers, but with personalized service and support. NexusTek Cloud offers both dedicated private environments and multi-tenant (i.e., shared) cloud environments, with a variety of features and support services to meet your business needs. With SOC 2 Type II certification and fully redundant infrastructure, our cloud solution provides the height of security, privacy, and reliability. NexusTek Cloud is hybrid capable and can be combined easily with public cloud services or your on-premises infrastructure to create a holistic hybrid cloud solution.

Public Cloud

NexusTek offers multiple public cloud solutions utilizing the Microsoft Azure public cloud, including Microsoft 365, a staple of the workplace offering well-known applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and numerous others. Microsoft’s state-of-the-art technologies make a distinctive contribution to any multi-cloud infrastructure, and our extensive experience with Microsoft products ensures that you receive expert guidance and support on every step of your multi-cloud journey.

Why Nexustek for Hybrid & Multi-Cloud Solutions?

Designing a hybrid or multi-cloud infrastructure for your business is a complex process that requires an understanding of which computing environments are best suited to different types of data and applications. Our experts can provide strategic consulting, project services, and ongoing support

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In addition to offering both private and public cloud solutions, NexusTek provides strategic support to determine the optimal hybrid cloud infrastructure to meet your business needs. Our hybrid cloud experts are knowledgeable about compliance requirements as they relate to cloud hosting, and can assist you to develop a hybrid cloud infrastructure that aligns with your business goals while also maintaining compliance with applicable regulations. In addition, our engineers conduct cloud readiness assessments to optimally plan your migration so that it goes as smoothly as possible.

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Modern Work and a 2021 Microsoft U.S. Partner Award winner in the category of Modern Workplace for SMB, NexusTek specializes in delivering the latest Microsoft 365 and cloud services. NexusTek provides public cloud services hosted by Microsoft’s Azure public cloud, including Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Microsoft 365. In addition, NexusTek’s cloud experts can assist with strategic planning to select multi-cloud solutions that best align with your business goals.

The numerous benefits of hybrid cloud have made it the most popular cloud services model among businesses of all sizes. Because private and public cloud models each offer their own collection of advantages, combining the two into a single, holistic cloud computing solution truly offers the best of both worlds. Benefits of hybrid cloud solutions include:

  • Enable Remote Workforce: As remote and hybrid work options become more prevalent, companies often choose to facilitate remote work for employees by expanding from an entirely on-premises infrastructure to a hybrid cloud infrastructure. By augmenting their on-premises infrastructure with public cloud services, companies are able to maintain onsite IT systems that have served them well, all the while adding on-demand cloud services that allow employees to work from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Reduce Costs: Maintaining on-premises IT infrastructure comes with significant costs. Hardware must be replaced regularly, and in-house IT staff are required to complete tasks including maintenance, updates, patching, software installation, and user changes. By adopting a hybrid cloud model, companies can reduce their on-premises infrastructure expenses and streamline their in-house IT budgets if desired. This is because with a hybrid cloud model, a business is only responsible for acquiring and maintaining their on-premises IT infrastructure.
  • Reduce Workload for IT Department: When a business moves from a fully on-premises infrastructure to a hybrid cloud infrastructure, this decreases the workload for in-house IT staff. Because the cloud provider handles all maintenance, updates, and patches for the cloud-based portion of the company’s infrastructure, this reduces pressure on in-house IT staff and frees up their time to pursue higher-value, strategic IT activities. For this reason, using a hybrid cloud model can help a company to elevate its IT strategy to a higher level, while also creating working conditions that are conducive to retention of key IT staff.
  • Protect Sensitive Data: Although the public cloud offers excellent security, some types of data are considered too sensitive to store in multi-tenant environments. For example, client financial records or patient medical records may be subject to compliance regulations that necessitate use of private cloud storage. Companies may also simply prefer the privacy and security of private cloud infrastructure for certain types of data, such as intellectual property or accounting records. The hybrid cloud model allows businesses to exert control over which types of data and applications are maintained in private versus public cloud infrastructure.
  • Retain Legacy IT Systems: Another advantage of using a hybrid cloud model is that it allows companies to continue using onsite legacy IT systems that are integral to their operations. The beauty of the hybrid model is that it gives companies the flexibility to choose which portions of their IT infrastructure to migrate to the cloud, and which to continue using on-premises.

The public cloud market features multiple cloud providers offering a diverse array of software, computing, and data storage solutions. Companies that adopt a multi-cloud approach give themselves the freedom to pick and choose from among the many options available to them. Benefits of multi-cloud computing are:

  • Access Preferred Applications: One advantage of using a multi-cloud model is that it expands your options in terms of software applications to integrate into your IT infrastructure. With Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), businesses can obtain full functionality plus data storage for individual cloud-hosted applications. When you adopt a multi-cloud model, you have the freedom to compile a customized collection of SaaS applications that are hosted by a variety of public cloud providers. This makes it easy to configure your IT infrastructure as it best aligns with your business needs.
  • Take Advantage of Best Prices: Another key benefit of adopting multi-cloud computing is that you are free to seek out the best prices on applications or data storage. Using a multi-cloud approach means that you have the latitude to choose different solutions offered by separate cloud providers, ultimately giving you the capacity to lower your total costs by shopping around.
  • Avoid Vendor Lock-In: Using a multi-cloud computing model is also beneficial in that it avoids vendor lock-in. When vendor lock-in occurs, customers find it impractical or prohibitively costly to change providers. Because of this risk, many business leaders are uncomfortable concentrating their company’s cloud-based infrastructure with a single public cloud provider. Adopting a multi-cloud model allays these concerns, as businesses retain the freedom to easily migrate their applications and data to another cloud provider as they choose.

Sorting through the variety of possible combinations for hybrid cloud and multi-cloud infrastructure can be overwhelming. NexusTek’s cloud solutions experts can make this process less intimidating by assessing your current infrastructure along dimensions such as overall IT health, cyber security resilience, IT strategy alignment, compliance, and spend optimization. Depending on your company’s goals and priorities, we can assist you to create the hybrid or multi-cloud infrastructure that best aligns with the specific needs of your business.

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