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Boston Hosted Cloud Services

Boston Hosted Cloud Services For Business

The past several years have seen a shift to cloud computing and away from the development of in-house network infrastructure solutions by businesses. With a cloud-based network solution, IT applications, as well as software, are delivered and supported across the internet. At NexusTek, we are a managed cloud services provider that help businesses in and around the Boston area make the switch to cloud-based network infrastructure.

What is a Managed Cloud Service?

Managed cloud services refers to the outsourcing of a business’s cloud needs to third-party providers. Also known as managed cloud service providers, these specialists assume the responsibility for the development and maintenance of a cloud infrastructure.

Benefits of using Managed Cloud Service Providers

There are several benefits of using a managed cloud service provider for your business’s cloud computing needs:

  • Cost: Using a managed cloud service provider is generally cheaper than in-house cloud solutions. Expenses associated with a managed cloud service provider are usually operational rather than capital and are therefore more predictable.
  • Expertise: Cloud-based network solutions require hiring personnel with skill sets which may not be readily available. With a managed cloud service provider, you no longer are responsible for hiring these individuals.
  • Core business focus: Outsourcing your business’s cloud needs lets you focus on your core business functions.
  • Availability: Managed cloud service providers offer round-the-clock network support and security.

What We Offer

At NexusTek, we offer several cloud solutions based on your business needs:

  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): With SaaS, we provide and maintain business software across the internet.
  • Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS): If you choose our DaaS package, we host your data applications in the cloud which can then be deployed to any end-user devices within your network.
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): With IaaS, your entire network infrastructure is hosted, maintained and supported on our cloud servers.

Why Choose NexusTek

Recognized as one of the premier managed service providers in North America, we offer managed cloud services to small and medium-sized businesses in Boston. We have won numerous awards and accolades over the past several years due to the high quality of our service.

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