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IT Quiz Central

NexusTek is a Microsoft Partner that successfully implements Cloud & IT Services and CRM solutions. Take a quiz and test your knowledge of Information Technology.

Is Your Business At-Risk from Outdated Hardware/Software?

The speed, capabilities, and security of a business’ hardware and software keep an organization moving forward in a competitive market. Aging hardware and outdated software can decrease security, increase downtime, and impact customer experience.

Take this quick quiz to assess whether your business needs an IT equipment refresh.

Do You Have Holes in Your Cybersecurity?

With more employees working remote and the increase in cyberattacks, there is a renewed focus for businesses to invest in cybersecurity solutions. The mindset of the market is evolving from cybersecurity being a “nice to have,” to an “essential” part of their IT systems. Email security and anti-virus software alone just isn’t enough in today’s world.

How confident are you in your current cybersecurity posture? Take the 8-question quiz to help identify potential gaps in your cybersecurity.

Is Your IT Help Desk Overwhelmed?

Plagued by long hours, insufficient resources, and high turnover, the IT help desk is a challenging position that can easily burnout IT professionals. An overwhelmed help desk leads to deficient response time and inaccuracies that could prove costly for your business.

Take the quiz to find out if your IT help desk is overwhelmed.

What IT character are you?

Ever wonder what iconic sci-fi IT character you most emulate? Of course, you do; we all do.

Am I the “guy in the chair” hacking into cameras and phone systems to guide a web-slinging hero through the streets of New York, or am I more like the latest incarnation of the thieving Time Lord who sets the universe right with her sonic screwdriver (but it’s a bit more multi-purpose than that)? Both are amazing characters, but neither will feature in your quiz results—that would ruin the surprise!

Without further teasers (but we can’t promise no spoilers), here’s the IT character quiz you’ve been waiting for. May the Force be with you.

Remote Worker Phishing Quiz

Remote workforces are being heavily targeted by cyber criminals looking to exploit unsuspecting employees. Employees are the first line of defense against cyber threats and having a general understanding of cyber security best practices is crucial. Are you confident that you (or your staff) can recognize a scam?

Remote Worker Phishing Quiz - Part 2

These 5 additional questions in Part 2 are a bit more challenging.

Use the information you learned in the first Remote Worker Phishing Quiz and pay close attention to the little details. Take this quiz to determine if the replicated emails are real, or a phishing attempt.

Cloud Strategy Quiz

As your Cloud partner, NexusTek’s experienced engineers and IT consultants can develop a strategy that benefits your business using the latest in Cloud technology.  Test your knowledge of Cloud services with this 60-second quiz. Then give us a call to start building the best business strategy in the Cloud!

Ransomware Quiz

As a trusted partner to small and mid-sized businesses, we know the biggest trend threatening businesses today is cyber security. Our IT professionals have experience with the panic from a business owner in the midst of a Ransomware attack. To help, we’ve created this quiz to address the top misconceptions about Ransomware.

Business Technology IQ Test

These 5 questions are designed to give you a baseline on your business tech knowledge level and give you an idea on where to focus when planning for the technology needs of your business.

If some of the terms in this quiz are foreign to you, you may need to find out more from a technology professional.

Business Technology IQ Test – Part 2

The 5 questions in Part 2 are designed for a higher level of understanding of Business Technology and give you an idea on where to focus when planning for the technology needs of your business.

If some of the terms in this quiz are foreign to you, you may need to find out more from a technology professional.

Identify the Phishing Scam Quiz

Phishing email scams are on the rise. Large corporations are becoming proactive in the fight against phishing scams by sending fake phishing emails to gauge susceptibility of their organization. JPMorgan duped 20% of their staff into clicking on a fake email.

Test your skills against the average scammer with our Phishing Quiz. Can you (or your staff) recognize a scam?

IT Security Quiz

The mindset of many regarding their IT Security is, “I have Anti-Virus installed, I should be fine.” We wish we could say that it is possible to prevent all IT Security issues, but the real test is how well you are prepared when there is an IT Security issue.

The following quiz should test your knowledge and determine how prepared your company is if there is an IT Security issue.

Need More Information? Send Us Your Questions!

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