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Denver Managed Cloud Services

Why You Need a Cloud Service Provider

Cloud computing is the use of the internet to perform various computing services such as data storage, networking, and data analytics, among others. With cloud computing, a business’s software, as well as hardware tools and applications, are maintained at remote sites by third-party cloud service providers; this is in contrast to a traditional network whereby a business maintains and supports its own infrastructure. Over the past several years, there has been a significant increase in the adoption of cloud services by small, mid- and large-sized businesses. The market for public cloud services is expected to increase to $186.4 billion this year compared to $153.5 billion in 2017.

Some benefits of using cloud services offered by a third-party cloud service provider include:

  • Scalability: With cloud computing, you can easily scale your computing needs to match the demands of your business. In contrast to a traditional network infrastructure, there is no limit to how much you can scale up your computing needs.
  • Flexibility: Cloud computing offers you the ability to work from any geographical location worldwide. With software tools and applications hosted in the cloud, these can easily be accessed and utilized over the internet.
  • Backup and Disaster recovery: Data loss is one of the risks faced by a business following a disaster. Using cloud services, this risk is minimized because data can be easily retrieved with little to no data loss.
  • Cost: Cloud services are considerably cheaper than traditional networks. The Cloud Service Provider assumes the cost of the equipment, installation, and any required maintenance. As a business owner, all that is required for you is a regular fee to access the desired services.

Enhance Your Business Using NexusTek Cloud Services

Why You Should Choose NexusTek

There are several benefits you stand to gain for using the services of a managed service provider:

  • Expertise: The development and maintenance of cloud networks require skill sets that are not commonly available; as such you may have some difficulty hiring the individuals with the needed skills. With a managed cloud service provider, you no longer have to worry about hiring the right individuals as this is now assumed by the cloud service provider.
  • Scalability: Cloud services can be easily scaled up or down as needed depending on the business’s needs. Unlike traditional networks, there are no storage limitations associated with the Cloud.
  • Cost: Cloud services are generally cheaper than traditional networks. Development, maintenance, and support costs are assumed by the cloud service provider.

We have a proven successful track record in hosting IT services for our many clients.
Contact us today for more information and to get started with our services.

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