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Cyber Security Orange County

Cyber Security Company & Consultants in Orange County

Protect Your Company through Cyber Security

Cyber security protects your company’s networks, computer systems and critical data from internal and external attacks. In today’s interconnected world, companies must employ multiple layers of defense as cyber criminals become more sophisticated and attacks become more inventive. Although cyber security spending is projected to exceed over $1 trillion by 2021, only 38 percent of companies feel that they are prepared to handle a cyber-attack. This is a problem.

t is projected that there will be 200 billion interconnected devices worldwide by 2020. This means that your company is vulnerable. Infiltration of your company’s critical data by cybercrime, like DDoS attacks, can crash your system and bring your business to a screeching halt. Downtime can cost the average company millions. In fact, the average cost of a data breach is projected to reach over $150 million by 2020.

What’s the Value of Outside Cyber Security Services?

Hackers attack anything with Internet access, on average, every 39 seconds, according to a study conducted by the University of Maryland. Cyber-attacks cost companies millions every year in lost data and customer trust. How can you protect yourself from exploitation from both internal and external threats? Some viable steps that NexusTek of Orange County can take include:

  • Update legacy systems.
  • Conduct penetration testing for vulnerabilities.
  • Utilize both on-site and cloud automation.
  • Continuous monitoring of internal and external threats.
  • Involve and train company stakeholders.

It’s tough to know how your company can be infiltrated by cyber criminals. By consulting with NexusTek, your dedicated cyber security experts, we will provide assessment services and testing through fresh eyes. We will shoulder your cyber security load so you can concentrate on daily business and not tie up your valuable resources.

Don’t play catch-up with your cyber security. NexusTek of Orange County provides consulting, assessments, monitoring and support to help secure your computer systems. We will train your employees to be aware and alert to cyber risk and how to recognize and circumvent threats. Don’t be at risk.

Contact us today so we can help you defend your company against cybercrime.

IMPORTANT INFO About Global CrowdStrike Outage