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Is It Time For A Unified Communications Health Check? 

Is It Time For A Unified Communications Health Check?

The health of your business communications solution is as important as the condition of your servers,  workstations and connected devices – so let’s make sure your phone system is running at peak performance.

NexusTek’s Unified Communications customized solutions deliver a comprehensive business communication system that includes advanced phone features, automated attendant, unified messaging, call accounting and reporting, etc. The unique, purpose-built architecture provides a highly-reliable, unified communications solution with plug-and-play ease.

Unified Communications systems that are NOT working properly can affect your business in many ways:

  • Poor customer experience: Your reputation depends on how easily and quickly you can help your loyal customers. If your customers looking for services or support are misrouted to someone who is not prepared for the call, their experience will be frustrating.
  • Missed sales opportunities: Your bottom line depends on new sales opportunities. If the communication system is not tested for correct routing of sales calls, you do not know if business opportunities are falling through the cracks.
  • Vendors or partners lack of confidence: For some small businesses, your vendors and partners are the lifeline to your business. If vendors or partners cannot seem to get through to the right person or experience dropped calls, they will lose faith in you as a viable business partner. 
  • Advertising spend/losses: Your advertising dollars are not resulting in revenue because your phone system is not set up properly. Google ads specifically depend on the correct routing of new customers to sales specialists. Don’t let those callers fall into the blackhole of poor communications. 
  • Staff frustration: Your internal communications is as important as your business’ bottom line. Often businesses are so focused on delivering services to customers that the efficiency of internal communications is overlooked. If your people cannot communicate easily, your business will suffer on many levels.

A few key benefits of a Business Communications Health Check:

  • Identify gaps in your communication process that may be causing inefficiencies or hurting your business
  • Receive a comprehensive report of the assessment
  • Optimize or implement a unified communications solution that closely aligns with the needs of not only your management team, but all employees.

NexusTek’s Unified Communications Health Check focuses on the following key areas: 

  • LAN and WAN topology
  • Network Equipment
  • Capacity and growth planning
  • PBX infrastructure
  • High availability, Failover, Backup and restoration
  • Emergency operations and E911
  • Feature and functionality adoption

Organizations are continuously challenged to keep up with technological innovations that deliver investment-worthy solutions for their business needs. Don’t take for granted that your phone system is “fine” because you can make and receive a call.

In the digital world, small and mid-sized businesses focused on competitive advantage and growth benefit from a properly implemented Unified Communications System.

Give us a call at 870-470-0401 or click here to submit your request for a Unified Communications Health Check today.

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