Addressing the Global CrowdStrike Outage Impacting Windows-Based Computers


Addressing the Global CrowdStrike Outage Impacting Windows-Based Computers

At NexusTek, we prioritize the reliability and security of your IT infrastructure. Recently, a significant global outage has affected CrowdStrike’s Windows Sensor update, causing blue screens on numerous Windows-based computers.

Understanding the Issue:

On July 18, 2024, CrowdStrike released an update for its Windows Sensor, which unfortunately led to widespread blue screens. This issue has impacted organizations worldwide, including some of our valued clients.

Our Commitment to You:

Our dedicated team at NexusTek is actively collaborating with CrowdStrike to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. We recognize the critical nature of this outage and are working diligently to minimize any disruptions to your operations.

How You Can Help:

We have a full team of engineering and incident management, as well as our customer care and service delivery management teams working tirelessly to resolve this issue with a work-around.

To streamline support and ensure a timely response, we recommend submitting your support requests through our online portal or via email. This will help us manage and address your concerns more efficiently.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Our team is dedicated to resolving this issue promptly and ensuring your systems are restored to optimal performance. For immediate concerns or urgent assistance, please contact our support team.

Thank you for your continued trust in NexusTek.

Maximizing Business Value and Driving Performance with NexusTek


Maximizing Business Value and Driving Performance with NexusTek

At the end of the day, businesses are focused on maximizing business value and driving performance. Businesses can achieve their goals in many ways, but the key to sustained success lies in leveraging IT to deliver measurable outcomes such as driving revenue, reducing costs, and enhancing operational efficiency. NexusTek stands out as a strategic IT partner who understands this imperative and is committed to delivering results that matter to your bottom line.

In this blog, we’ll show you how NexusTek’s tailored IT solutions and strategic partnership can transform your IT infrastructure into a catalyst for growth.

Comprehensive IT Solutions

NexusTek offers comprehensive IT solutions to support you wherever you are in your IT journey, ensuring your business is equipped with the right technology and expertise at every stage. Our services include IT consulting to managed IT services, and expertise in cloud hosting, cybersecurity, and data and AI solutions. By partnering with NexusTek, businesses can leverage top-tier technology and expertise to streamline operations, reduce costs, and mitigate risks.

IT Consulting: Strategic Insights for Informed Decisions

NexusTek’s IT consulting services help businesses navigate the complexities of modern technology. Our team of certified experts, and vCIOs, collaborate with you to develop strategic IT processes tailored to your unique business needs. We make sure every technology investment delivers maximum value by providing you with only the tools and solutions you need to achieve your goals.

Managed IT Services: Focus on Core Business Objectives

With NexusTek’s managed IT services, businesses can offload their IT management to experienced professionals. This allows companies to focus on their core objectives while we handle the day-to-day IT operations to ensure seamless performance and minimal downtime.

Cloud Hosting: Scalable and Secure Solutions

Cloud technology is essential for modern businesses seeking flexibility and scalability. NexusTek offers cloud hosting solutions that provide secure, scalable, and reliable environments for critical business applications. Whether it’s through Azure, AWS, or GCP, NexusTek provides cloud solutions that reduce infrastructure costs, enhance collaboration, and improve operational efficiency.

In fact, a recent case study demonstrated how NexusTek helped a company achieve $27,000 in cost savings by implementing a hybrid cloud infrastructure and reported up to a 30% increase in operational efficiency as well as a 70% reduction in downtime after adopting our cloud services.

Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Business Assets

In an era where cyber threats are increasingly growing, cybersecurity precautions are vital. NexusTek provides comprehensive IT security services to protect your business assets. Our cybersecurity solutions include threat detection, risk assessment, and incident response, ensuring that your data and systems are safeguarded against potential threats.

In fact, a recent case study demonstrated how NexusTek helped a company achieve $27,000 in cost savings by implementing a hybrid cloud infrastructure and reported up to a 30% increase in operational efficiency as well as a 70% reduction in downtime after adopting our cloud services.

Data and AI: Harnessing the Power of Information

Harnessing the power of AI is crucial for businesses today, as it drives innovation, enhances decision-making, and provides a competitive edge through data-driven insights and automation. With NexusTek, businesses can efficiently integrate AI into their IT to improve their business operations, increase productivity, and drive their company toward a more innovative and secure future.

Proactive Security Measures

Comprehensive Security Assessments

NexusTek begins with a thorough assessment of your organization’s IT landscape, understanding your unique challenges and objectives. This allows us to craft a customized IT strategy that aligns with your business goals, ensuring every technology investment delivers maximum value.

Managed Security Services

With our managed security services, we continuously monitor your systems to detect and mitigate threats before they impact your operations. By partnering with industry leaders like Arctic Wolf, we ensure your data and assets are secure around the clock.

Business Continuity Planning

In the face of unexpected disruptions, NexusTek’s business continuity planning ensures your operations remain resilient. We develop comprehensive disaster recovery plans that minimize downtime and maintain productivity, safeguarding your business against potential losses.

Driving Innovation with Ongoing IT Advisory Services

NexusTek goes beyond traditional IT services. We work as your strategic partner, providing insights and guidance at every step on leveraging technology to drive innovation and business growth. Our consultants help you navigate the complexities of digital transformation, ensuring seamless integration of new technologies.

Here’s a quick comparison of standard IT service offerings versus the exceptional advisory service you’ll experience with NexusTek as your ongoing strategic IT partner:

Your typical IT service support
NexusTek’s ongoing IT advisory Services
Reactive support, addressing issues as they arise without proactive planning
Proactive strategy, beginning with a thorough assessment to identify improvement opportunities
Generic advice not tailored to specific business needs
Industry-specific guidance, optimizing solutions for unique challenges and objectives
Limited expertise in handling complex, industry-specific challenges
Comprehensive expertise in cloud solutions, cybersecurity, data analytics, and more
One-time engagements, ending after the initial project
Long-term partnership, providing continuous support and strategic advice

By choosing NexusTek, you gain a strategic partner committed to driving your business forward with innovative IT solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Customer-Centric IT Support

24/7/365 Helpdesk Services

Our dedicated support team is available 24/7/365 to address any IT issues your team may encounter. With support teams across the country and all members based in the US and Canada, NexusTek focuses on quick resolution times and high customer satisfaction, ensuring your employees have the support they need to stay productive.

Certified IT Expertise

Access to top-tier IT talent is crucial for addressing your unique IT challenges. Our team is comprised of certified subject matter experts in all areas of IT who can effectively manage complex IT environments, implement best practices, and stay ahead of technological advancements. Our team of experts brings a deep understanding of industry standards and compliance requirements, reducing risks and enhancing security. This expertise helps drive operational efficiency, fosters innovation, and ultimately supports the strategic goals and competitive edge of your business.

Leveraging Strategic Partnerships for Superior Outcomes

Our strategic partnerships provide us access to advanced IT tools and solutions, allowing us to offer a wide array of resources to support your business’s preferences and needs both today and in the future.

Premier Technology Partnerships

NexusTek’s strong relationships with leading technology providers like Microsoft, AWS and more, enable us to deliver state-of-the-art solutions. These partnerships ensure we stay at the forefront of technological advancements, offering our clients the best tools and platforms to drive performance.

Tech-Agnostic Approach

With our tech-agnostic philosophy, we recommend solutions in accordance with your needs, not based on vendors’ preferences. As a result, we are able to provide you with unbiased, customized solutions that meet your business preferences and needs.

Partner with NexusTek

NexusTek’s commitment to maximizing business value and driving performance is evident in every aspect of our partnership and service delivery. From end-to-end tailored IT solutions that are secure and scalable to innovative advisory services and expert support, we empower businesses to achieve their full potential. Partner with NexusTek to unlock the full potential of your IT infrastructure and drive your business forward.

Choosing the Right IT Infrastructure: Cloud, On-Premises, or Hybrid?


Choosing the Right IT Infrastructure: Cloud, On-Premises, or Hybrid?

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, businesses face a critical decision: selecting the most suitable IT infrastructure. The choice between cloud, on-premises, and hybrid solutions is not merely a technical decision but a strategic one that impacts operational efficiency, cost management, security, and scalability. For small to midsized businesses (SMBs) in the United States, making the right choice can drive growth and competitive advantage. This article explores the pros and cons of each option and highlights how a hybrid approach can offer the best of both worlds.

Cloud Solutions – Flexibility and Scalability



Cloud solutions allow businesses to easily scale resources up or down based on demand. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for SMBs experiencing fluctuating workloads or seasonal variations.


With a pay-as-you-go model, businesses only pay for the resources they use, reducing capital expenditure on hardware and maintenance.


Cloud solutions provide remote access, enabling employees to work from anywhere, which is crucial in today’s increasingly mobile and remote work environments.

Automatic Updates

Cloud service providers handle software updates and maintenance, ensuring that businesses always have access to the latest features and security patches.


Data Security and Compliance

While cloud providers invest heavily in security, businesses in highly regulated industries must ensure that their cloud provider meets all regulatory requirements.

Internet Dependency

Cloud services rely on internet connectivity, which can be a vulnerability in areas with unstable or limited internet access.

Limited Customization

Some cloud solutions may not offer the level of customization that certain businesses require for their specific needs.

On-Premises Solutions – Control and Customization



On-premises solutions provide complete control over the hardware and software environment, allowing businesses to customize their IT infrastructure to meet specific needs.


With data stored on-site, businesses have direct control over their security measures, which can be a significant advantage for industries handling sensitive information.


On-premises systems can offer better performance for certain applications, particularly those that require low latency and high-speed data access.


High Initial Costs

Implementing on-premises solutions involves significant capital expenditure on hardware, software, and ongoing maintenance.

Scalability Issues

Scaling on-premises infrastructure can be time-consuming and expensive, as it requires the purchase and installation of additional hardware.

Maintenance and Updates

Businesses are responsible for maintaining and updating their systems, which can be resource-intensive and require specialized IT staff.

Hybrid Solutions – The Best of Both Worlds


Flexibility and Control

Hybrid solutions allow businesses to leverage the scalability and cost-effectiveness of the cloud while maintaining control over critical data and applications with on-premises systems.

Enhanced Security

Sensitive data can be stored on-premises to meet regulatory requirements, while less critical data can be hosted in the cloud.

Optimized Performance

Businesses can allocate workloads based on performance needs, using on-premises infrastructure for high-performance applications and the cloud for less demanding tasks.

Implementing a Hybrid Strategy:


Begin by assessing your current IT infrastructure, business goals, and specific needs. Identify which applications and data are best suited for the cloud and which should remain on-premises.


Ensure seamless integration between cloud and on-premises systems. This may involve using middleware or APIs to facilitate communication and data transfer.


Develop a comprehensive security strategy that addresses both cloud and on-premises environments. This should include data encryption, access controls, and regular security audits.

Vendor Selection

Choose reliable vendors that offer robust hybrid solutions. Look for providers with a strong track record in both cloud and on-premises services and the ability to support hybrid deployments.

Making the Right Choice

When deciding between cloud, on-premises, and hybrid solutions, consider the following factors:

Business Goals:

Align your IT infrastructure choice with your long-term business objectives. For instance, if rapid scalability is crucial, the cloud may be more suitable.


Evaluate your budget constraints. Cloud solutions can be more cost-effective initially, while on-premises might offer better long-term value for certain workloads.

Security Requirements

Consider your industry’s regulatory requirements and data sensitivity. A hybrid approach can help balance security and compliance needs.

IT Expertise

Assess your in-house IT capabilities. Cloud solutions reduce the need for extensive IT staff, while on-premises solutions require more technical expertise.

In conclusion, the decision to adopt cloud, on-premises, or hybrid solutions is multifaceted and should be driven by strategic business considerations. For SMBs, a hybrid approach often provides the most flexible and cost-effective solution, combining the benefits of both environments. By carefully assessing your business needs and goals, you can make an informed choice that enhances your operational efficiency and supports your growth trajectory.

Thinking about adopting cloud, on-premises, or hybrid solutions? Talk with one of our cloud experts today!

A New Chapter in Innovation and Service at NexusTek


A New Chapter in Innovation and Service at NexusTek

Author: Hamilton Yu, CEO of NexusTek

Dear NexusTek Community,

As I take on the role of Chief Executive Officer at NexusTek, I am filled with both excitement and a deep sense of responsibility. The journey ahead is one that we will navigate together, building upon a robust foundation laid by my predecessor, Bill Wosilius, and the many dedicated individuals who have shaped this remarkable organization.

My path to NexusTek has been shaped by over 28 years of passion and curiosity in the tech industry. From my early days at Accenture, through transformative leadership roles at Nuance Communications and most recently Taos—an IBM company—I have focused on driving technological innovations and delivering exceptional client solutions. At Taos, we embraced the shift towards cloud technologies and enhanced our service capabilities, a journey I intend to continue and expand upon here at NexusTek.

The Future of NexusTek: Expanding Our Horizons with AI, Cybersecurity, and Cloud Solutions​

The landscape of technology, especially in AI, cloud services, and cybersecurity, is evolving at an unprecedented pace. As the CEO of NexusTek, I understand how vital the integration of hybrid cloud technologies, AI, and cybersecurity is for businesses to thrive in today’s digital-first environment. These essential technologies form a foundation that drives efficiency, scalability, and innovation for businesses in a competitive landscape.

As a result, NexusTek will establish dedicated practices and expand our services to better serve our valued customers and meet their unique needs and goals. This includes our commitment to providing superior managed IT services while focusing on hybrid cloud environments, generative AI, and data security solutions. This strategic shift ensures that NexusTek not only keeps pace with but leads the evolution in IT innovation, providing our customers with the advanced solutions and expertise required to navigate the increasingly complex digital landscape.

Cybersecurity and cloud services offer clients enhanced data protection, cost efficiency, scalability, and operational agility, ensuring business continuity and fostering innovation in a secure, compliant environment—and NexusTek is poised to harness this potential to benefit our clients.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to our existing customers, ensuring they feel supported and valued as we continue to provide the exceptional service and solutions they have come to expect. Simultaneously, we are excited to showcase our innovative offerings like cybersecurity, cloud services, and AI which are designed to propel businesses forward.

Deepening Our Commitment to Core Values

Our success is not just measured by the technologies we master or the services we provide; It is deeply rooted in the values we uphold. As the new CEO, I am committed to building on the strong legacy NexusTek has created and I pledge to continue advancing these principles as we move forward.

  • Passionate Customer Service: We will continue to place our clients at the heart of everything we do, ensuring their needs and aspirations are met with enthusiasm and expertise.
  • Hire and Retain the Best People: NexusTek will remain a beacon for talent, where the brightest minds come to grow their careers and contribute to industry-leading initiatives.
  • Treat People with Respect: We are committed to treating everyone with respect, fostering an environment where dignity and fairness are paramount.
  • Be Accountable: We remain accountable in all our endeavors—if we stumble, we are committed to making it right.
  • Be Responsible Stewards of Our Business: We will manage our resources ethically and sustainably, focusing on long-term success and upholding our commitment to the well-being of the business.
  • Engage in a Meaningful Way with Our Community: We pledge to engage meaningfully with our communities, enriching the environments in which we operate.
  • Integrity – Say What We Do, and Do What We Say: NexusTek will consistently act with honesty and fulfill our promises, aligning our actions with our words.

Looking Forward

With the support of our talented team and guidance from our newly appointed Executive Chairman, Bobby Christian, I am confident in our collective ability to advance NexusTek’s mission. Our focus on innovation, backed by a relentless commitment to customer satisfaction, will drive us toward new opportunities and greater achievements.

In closing, I invite each of you to join me in this exciting chapter. Your insights, hard work, and passion are the keystones of our future success. Together, we will explore new horizons and continue to deliver the exceptional service that defines NexusTek.

Warm regards,

Hamilton Yu
CEO, NexusTek

The Key to a Secure and Efficient Hybrid Workforce


The Key to a Secure and Efficient Hybrid Workforce

In today’s dynamic business environment, the concept of the traditional office has evolved drastically. The rise of remote work, coupled with the gradual return to physical workspaces, has given birth to the hybrid workforce model. As business and technology leaders navigate this landscape, the need for reliable IT support has never been more critical. Let’s review the state of hybrid workforces and how businesses are leveraging managed IT services to achieve their goals. 

The Rise of Hybrid Workforces

According to a recent survey by Gartner, 82% of company leaders plan to allow employees to work remotely, at least part of the time, following the accelerated digitization of businesses since 2020. This shift signifies a broader transformation in work culture, where flexibility and adaptability reign supreme. Hybrid work models offer employees the freedom to choose where and how they work while enabling businesses to maintain productivity and efficiency.

Challenges in Managing Hybrid Workforces

Despite the benefits, managing a hybrid workforce comes with its set of challenges. One of the primary concerns is ensuring seamless connectivity and collaboration among distributed teams. With employees accessing company resources from various locations and devices, IT support teams face the daunting task of maintaining security and efficiency.

Another challenge is providing consistent technical support across dispersed locations. Traditional IT infrastructures may struggle to keep up with the demands of a hybrid workforce, leading to increased downtime and reduced productivity. Moreover, managing a diverse array of software applications and platforms adds complexity to IT operations, requiring proactive monitoring and troubleshooting.

The Role of Managed IT Services

Enter managed IT services – a strategic solution for businesses seeking to optimize their hybrid workforce strategies. Managed service providers (MSPs) offer a suite of IT support services tailored to the unique needs of businesses, providing proactive maintenance, round-the-clock monitoring, and rapid response to IT issues.

One of the key benefits of partnering with an MSP is enhanced security. With cyber threats on the rise, safeguarding sensitive data and infrastructure is paramount. MSPs employ robust cybersecurity measures, including threat detection, encryption, and employee training, to mitigate risks and protect against potential breaches.

Moreover, managed IT services offer scalability and flexibility, allowing businesses to adapt to evolving workforce dynamics. Whether scaling up operations or implementing new technologies, MSPs provide the expertise and resources needed to support growth initiatives without straining internal IT resources.

Cost-effectiveness is another compelling reason for SMBs to embrace managed IT services. Instead of hiring and training an in-house IT team, businesses can leverage the expertise of seasoned professionals at a fraction of the cost. By outsourcing IT support, organizations can allocate resources more efficiently and focus on core business objectives.

The Future of Hybrid Work and IT Support

As we look ahead, the hybrid workforce model is poised to become the new norm. Businesses that embrace this shift and invest in robust IT support infrastructure will gain a competitive edge in attracting top talent and driving innovation. By partnering with trusted managed IT service providers, businesses can navigate the complexities of hybrid work environments with confidence and efficiency.

The state of hybrid workforces presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses. By harnessing the power of managed IT services, businesses can overcome obstacles, enhance productivity, and achieve their hybrid workforce goals. It’s imperative to stay ahead of the curve and leverage strategic partnerships to drive success in the digital age.

NexusTek has enabled businesses across the U.S. to seamlessly transition to hybrid workforces, empowering them to leverage the perfect balance of remote and in-office operations for increased flexibility and productivity.


Need IT services to support your hybrid workforce needs?

The State of AI for Businesses: Top Strategies and Risk Concerns


The State of AI for Businesses: Top Strategies and Risk Concerns

If you’re like us, you’ll probably have to admit that when generative AI first hit the scene, you used it mostly for tasks like writing hip-hop lyrics about business meetings in the style of Snoop Dogg or composing Shakespearean tragedies about the challenges of interdepartmental collaboration. But even those of us who first adopted generative AI with whimsy began to see very quickly just how powerful this new tool could be in the workplace.

The race is now on to strategically integrate generative AI and other AI tools in ways that allow businesses to keep up with and ideally outpace their competition. Already, 59% of businesses in the small to mid-sized class (i.e., < 1,000 employees) report that AI has made an impact on their business1.

Illustrating the primacy of AI in current business strategy, a recent study found that the #1 strategic initiative among small to mid-sized businesses for 2024 is to increase technology investments to automate and streamline operations2. In line with that focus, trends in AI use are beginning to emerge. These are the subject of the next section.

Top AI and Automation Strategies for 2024

Customer Service​

AI has already been a boon to customer service, with 63% of retail organizations now using some form of AI3. Use of AI can help businesses respond to customers more quickly, enhance personalization, and power greater efficiency in customer service. Chatbots are a common application of AI to customer service, providing 24/7 access to answers to common questions, product recommendations, and complaint resolution. Some businesses use AI to analyze customer feedback, allowing them to improve customer satisfaction and thereby build loyalty.


Another major area where AI can exert strategic leverage is operations. Businesses were quick to identify AI’s potential for improving their efficiency, productivity, and profitability, and over 40% of business leaders already report increased productivity through AI automation4. AI is being used by manufacturers to optimize production, to reduce costly waste, and to prevent profit-eroding downtime. AI can also help retailers to more accurately manage inventory, logistics, and delivery.

Data Analysis​

AI tools are also being used to support data analysis. AI can process and analyze large datasets to help businesses derive data-based insights and predictions, which support better decision making. For example, marketing departments are using AI to segment customers, forecast demand, and evaluate marketing campaign performance. Finance professionals are using AI to automate accounting processes and to detect fraud.

Product Development

AI is also showing promise in the area of product development. AI can help businesses with development of products and services that meet customer needs in innovative ways, enhancing competitive advantage. For example, AI can help product development teams to generate new ideas, to test prototypes, and to optimize features in alignment with customer expectations.

Human Resources

A business is only as good as its employees, and AI can help with this as well. Human resources departments are increasingly adopting AI to support their hiring and retention efforts. For example, AI can help to screen resumes to identify the best candidates for open positions, and it can even conduct interviews and evaluate candidates. AI can also support employee development and retention by helping managers to provide feedback, coaching, and training to employees.

Concerns About AI-Related Risk to Businesses

Although 62% of business leaders express excitement about AI’s potential, 30% report feelings of uncertainty and 10% are downright anxious5. A common concern relates to the potential risks of AI when used in the business context. In businesses with fewer than 1,000 employees, the top 3 concerns about AI are: (a) concerns about information security, (b) concerns about data privacy, and (c) unintended consequences6.

Concerns like these are well justified, as generative AI can pose serious risks without appropriate guard rails. Recommendations are:

AI Policy

It is well known among technology professionals that any use of shadow IT by employees poses a risk to data privacy and security. By “shadow IT,” we mean software and other technologies that are adopted by employees without the knowledge and approval of their company’s IT department. Beyond the risks created by shadow IT (e.g., ransomware attacks), generative AI can pose unique data privacy and security risks due to its use of input data to “learn.”

Because employees may input proprietary information, customer information, or employee information into generative AI tools, a clear AI policy is now a must-have for businesses. Before any use of generative AI for business purposes, a business should specify which AI platform(s) may be used, acceptable AI use, and unacceptable AI use.

Cybersecurity Assessment

Businesses that are uncertain of how integrating AI technologies into their infrastructure may impact security should consider obtaining a cybersecurity assessment from a qualified professional. A cybersecurity assessment helps businesses to better understand the state of their security posture, to identify any holes in their defenses, and to formulate strategies to patch any holes identified.

NexusTek is an early adopter of AI, offering expertise in risk management related to AI adoption, including AI policy and cybersecurity assessment.


Does your business need support to adopt AI tools effectively and securely?


  1. SMB Group. (2024, January 4). 2024 top 10 SMB technology trends.
  2. SMB Group. (2024, January 4). 2024 top 10 SMB technology trends.
  3. Hawley, M. (2023, October 2). 10 AI customer experience statistics you should know about. CMSWire.
  4. , Matleena. (2024, January 8). 27 AI statistics and trends in 2024. Hostinger Tutorials.
  5. (2024, January). Now decides next: Insights from the leading edge of generative AI adoption.
  6. SMB Group. (2024, January 4). 2024 top 10 SMB technology trends.

Cyber Risk & Your Supply Chain: Managing the Growing Threat


Cyber Risk & Your Supply Chain: Managing the Growing Threat

You’ve likely heard that employees are the top source of cyber risk for businesses. But when you imagine “employee error” resulting in a data breach at your company, does it occur to you that this might be one of your suppliers’ employees?

It could be. In fact, there is now a 70% chance that a cyberattack on one company was caused in some way by one of their suppliers1. Capitalizing on human error and a host of other vulnerabilities, threat actors increasingly exploit weak links in supply chains to gain access to bigger targets up the chain.

Understanding Supply Chain Cyber Risk

The increasingly digital nature of supply chain relationships has caused the associated cyber risks to skyrocket. Gartner predicts that by 2025, 45% of businesses will have experienced a cyberattack on their supply chain2. What this means is that your company’s own internal security practices are now only partial protection; a comprehensive security program must now include cyber risk management strategies that cover your supply chain.

But how to accomplish this? The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) suggests that supply chain risk management involves “identifying susceptibilities, vulnerabilities, and threats throughout the supply chain and developing mitigation strategies to combat those threats”3. To create effective mitigation strategies, therefore, it is helpful to understand common attack vectors for supply chain attacks:

Credentials Theft: By using social engineering attacks (e.g., phishing, vishing), threat actors can trick employees into sharing their login credentials. Once a threat actor gains access to a supplier’s network using stolen credentials, they can leverage that access to infiltrate the target business’ network, circumventing its security defenses.

Software Infection: Threat actors may also use infected software to execute attacks—either by compromising the software development or the software distribution process—and inserting malicious code or backdoors into the software. This allows them to gain access to systems or networks of the software users, and steal data, disrupt operations, or cause damage.

Watering Hole Attack: A watering hole attack targets groups of organizations in a supply chain by injecting malicious code into websites that they commonly visit. The malicious code redirects users to a compromised website that hosts the threat actor’s malware. A watering hole attack is different from social engineering attacks, which trick users into clicking on malicious links or attachments. Instead, a watering hole attack takes advantage of users’ trust in the legitimate websites they usually visit.

Malware: Often introduced through attack vectors like those discussed above, malware may be used to further supply chain attacks. Threat actors may infect the devices or systems of one party in a supply chain, using malware to steal data or spy on activities that they use to infiltrate their end target in the supply chain. Supply chain attacks may also include denial of service attacks that knock a business offline or ransomware attacks that hold the victim’s data hostage until a ransom is paid.

How to Manage Supply Chain Security Risks

Clearly, the complexity of supply chains coupled with the complexity of today’s cyber threats make supply chain security risk management no easy feat. But with careful attention to component risk factors, a thorough and effective supply chain security risk management strategy is doable. Here are some essential pieces:

Policies: In the same ways that you establish and implement best practices and standards for cybersecurity for your own business (e.g., security awareness training, encryption, authentication, monitoring, backup, patching), your policies should also make explicit your security requirements for suppliers.

Risk Assessment: Conducting risk assessments will be instrumental in identifying potential vulnerabilities within your supply chain. Assessments allow you to determine which suppliers meet your security criteria and which need to improve their practices to remain a supplier.

Appropriate Access: Many supply chain attacks succeed because suppliers have been granted an unnecessary level of access to a partner’s network. Make sure each user only has the level of access necessary to fulfill their obligations as a supplier.

Training: Regular security awareness training for your own employees is definitely a must, but you may also consider offering suppliers training on your cybersecurity policies, procedures, and best practices.

Incident Response Planning: Your security program should be built around the assumption that a breach will occur, making incident response planning and testing a non-negotiable element of any supply chain security risk management strategy.

NexusTek helps businesses develop supply chain cyber risk management strategies through Virtual CIO (vCIO) consultation and to construct strong cyber defenses that protect others in their supply chain.

Would you like to speak to a cybersecurity expert about managing supply chain cyber risk?


  1. Robinson, P. (2023, August 2023). Why are supply chain attacks increasing? Cybersecurity Magazine.
  2. Moore, S. (2022, April 13). 7 top trends in cybersecurity for 2022. Gartner.
  3. (n.d.). Supply chain risk management.

5 Persistent Cloud Security Myths…and Why You Should Ignore Them


5 Persistent Cloud Security Myths…and Why You Should Ignore Them

Since the early days of the cloud, myths have abounded. Cloud security, in particular, is often misunderstood. To clear up the confusion, we will “bust” 5 common myths about cloud security.

Myth 1: 

Cloud Providers Automatically Include Security

One common myth is that cloud providers like Azure or AWS automatically come with full security. Cloud providers often do provide a secure infrastructure, but it is the customers’ responsibility to institute cybersecurity solutions to secure their own data within the cloud. This can include everything from setting up firewalls to establishing access controls, to bringing in an external cybersecurity provider.

Myth 2: 

The Cloud Is Less Secure Than On-Premises

Another persistent myth is that on-premises infrastructure is inherently more secure than cloud-based environments. The truth is that cloud providers invest heavily in cybersecurity of multiple forms. They also have dedicated security teams whose entire function is to protect their infrastructure. It is common for cloud providers to have more resources to invest in security than individual businesses.

Myth 3: 

Data Stored in the Cloud Is Always Secure

Another problematic misperception is that data is automatically secure once it’s in the cloud. Data security is complex. It depends on various factors like how it’s configured, who has access, and what security measures are in place. Businesses need to deploy their own security controls on top of the cloud provider’s infrastructure.

Myth 4: 

Public Cloud Has Weak Security

Some people grow concerned about public cloud infrastructure when they learn that it involves multi-tenancy, or sharing the same physical infrastructure with other users. But multi-tenancy is not inherently risky. Cloud providers can isolate one customer’s data and resources so that they are not accessible to other users. This is generally as secure as on-premises infrastructure, if not more so.

Myth 5: 

Cloud Environments Are Not Compliant

This myth has some basis in fact, as some cloud environments do not meet compliance requirements (e.g., HIPAA, GDPR, etc.). However, it is possible for cloud environments to be secured to meet stringent compliance requirements. It is important to find a cloud provider that understands your compliance requirements and is prepared to document data privacy and security conditions as required by your industry’s standards.

NexusTek provides compliance assessments, cloud hosting services in both single- and multi-tenant environments, and cybersecurity services and solutions to keep your cloud-based workloads secure.

Interested in learning more about cloud-based security? Talk with a cloud security expert today.

Do Cyber Risks Lurk in Your Business Ecosystem?


Do Cyber Risks Lurk in Your Business Ecosystem?

Digitally connected supply chains and partner ecosystems have brought immense value to modern businesses. However, the same digital connectivity that makes business ecosystems hum more efficiently also introduces a growing form of cyber risk: third-party cyber risk, to be exact.

If you aren’t already scrutinizing the security postures of third parties in your ecosystem (e.g., partners, vendors, suppliers), now is the time to start. Ponemon research found that, among organizations reporting a data breach within a 12-month period, 74% expressed that the breach had occurred because they had granted “too much privileged access” to third parties in their ecosystem1.

What Happens in a Third-Party Data Breach?

Hackers are always thinking about new ways to enter their targets’ IT environments, always seeking out entryways that are poorly secured. In a third-party attack, threat actors penetrate the network of one party in a business ecosystem and then leverage that access to gain entry into the network of another—usually larger—business in that ecosystem.

In this way, threat actors take advantage of the weakest link in the ecosystem’s security, using that advantage to attack a more desirable target. If your business’ lax security makes you the weakest link, you place those in your ecosystem at risk. Similarly, if other parties in your ecosystem have lax security, they place your business at risk—even if your own cybersecurity is excellent.

Managing Cyber Risk in Your Business Ecosystem

To effectively manage cyber risk in our digital world, you need to evaluate not only your own cybersecurity posture but third parties’ as well. Unfortunately, 51% of businesses report that they do not evaluate third-party cyber risk2. If your business needs to step up its third-party cyber risk assessment, the experts recommend hitting the following areas:

Avoid making assumptions about those in your business ecosystem.

  • Don’t assume shared attitudes toward security:  Just because your company takes security seriously, try not to assume that third parties in your ecosystem share your concerns. Many businesses still fail to take cybersecurity as seriously as they should.
  • Don’t make assumptions about baseline security: Rather than assume third parties have solid security, go the extra step and verify that they do.


Communicate your security expectations to third parties.

  • Provide instructions on acceptable use of your data:  As above, avoid assuming that third parties share your respect for data security. Some businesses just aren’t as careful as they should be. Convey your expectations to them in writing.
  • Specify security practices you require:  Similarly, put together a list of required security practices (see below for examples) and provide this list in writing to third parties in your ecosystem.


Conduct risk assessment to verify third party’s security practices. Experts recommend the following:

  • Multifactor authentication (MFA): This requires at least two forms of identity verification for login, which effectively stymies unauthorized logins using compromised credentials.
  • Email/DNS protection: This helps to defend against spammers, phishing, spoofing, and other types of malicious communications.
  • Managed detection & response (MDR): MDR services allow a business to delegate management of specific security practices to a qualified provider.
  • Penetration testing: This is an authorized, simulated attack on a company’s IT systems, which helps it to identify existing vulnerabilities.
  • Least-privilege access: Upholding a key principle of zero-trust security, least-privilege access grants users only the level of network access they require, and no more.
  • Patch management: This practice ensures that any identified vulnerabilities in software are addressed in a timely manner.
  • Security awareness training: This gives employees the information they need to identify and respond appropriately to potential threats.
  • Network segmentation: This divides a network into separate sub-networks, allowing third parties to secure entire segments from users who have no need for access.
  • Backups with multiple, tested copies: This is a well-known and vital safeguard against data loss.
  • Security policies: Third parties should have clearly defined policies relating to data privacy and security, as well as security procedures for departing employees.
  • Password requirements: Password complexity and changing requirements strengthen a network against password-related attacks like brute force, password spraying, and credentials theft.
  • Incident response plan: This demonstrates that a third party is prepared for an organized and effective response should a cyber event occur.
  • Cyber insurance: Such policies help to cover costs related to cyber incidents and indicate that a third party is paying attention to cyber risk management.

NexusTek supports businesses to develop third-party cyber risk management policies through Virtual CIO (vCIO) consultation and to build strong cyber defenses that protect others in their ecosystem.

Would you like to speak to a cybersecurity expert about managing third-party cyber risk?


  1. Coble, S. (2021, May 4). Third parties caused data breaches at 51% of organizations. Infosecurity Magazine.
  2. Security. (2021, May 7). 51% of organizations have experienced a data breach caused by a third party.

How to Get Quick Productivity Gains Using Technology


How to Get Quick Productivity Gains Using Technology

If you’ve read about digital transformation, you may have come away with the impression that it’s a comprehensive, time-intensive revisioning of business IT that should not be expected to yield productivity or performance outcomes immediately. And that impression…well, it’s correct.

So, what if you’re looking to accelerate productivity for your business on a shorter timeline? You may be wondering whether there are IT upgrades that will increase productivity more quickly. The great news is that, yes, there are! This article reviews a handful of such ideas to consider.

Enable More Efficient Workflows​

Routine, repetitive tasks like filing, filling out forms, and routing documents eat up a sizable portion of many employees’ hours. In fact, office employees in the U.S. report that they spend about 40% of the work week on repetitive tasks1. Using technology tools to automate such tasks can boost organizational productivity by helping employees to move through repetitive, routine tasks more quickly. For example:

  • Business process automation software, such as Power BI, can boost organizational productivity by automating certain types of repetitive tasks that consume employees’ time
  • SharePoint can be used to create automated workflows, reducing the amount of time employees spend on repetitive tasks

Increase Efficiency of Communication​

Because organizational productivity is an inherently collaborative phenomenon, it can be seriously hampered by communication inefficiencies. If employees cannot reliably get in contact with one another, then productivity will suffer. Demonstrating the scale of this issue, one study found that employees waited an average of 5 hours every week to get in touch with coworkers who had information they needed to complete a task or project2.

Inefficient communication can degrade productivity in several ways. In one study, 44% of employees stated that communication issues led to project delays or even failure to complete projects entirely3. Almost a third of employees said that communication problems resulted in missed performance goals. A variety of IT solutions can rapidly boost productivity by improving the efficiency of team communication, such as:

  • Chat applications allow employees to reach out to coworkers throughout the organization and can be especially useful when a quick response is needed
  • Virtual desktop infrastructure allows employees to access their full workstations on any device with a browser and an internet connection, making it easier for employees to share information regardless of where they might be
  • Company intranet solutions allow you to create knowledge management systems that give employees instant access to the information they need to get their jobs done
  • Collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams can improve communication clarity by offering multiple modalities to suit different communication styles, including chat, audio or video conferencing, and real-time screen or document sharing

Improve Organization & Time Management​

Poor time management is another common problem that erodes productivity. When employees fail to make efficient use of paid work hours, this can sharply reduce a firm’s overall productivity. To illustrate, one study found that spending 10-12 minutes planning your day each morning could save up to 2 hours in wasted or nonproductive time each day4.

Poor time management is often associated with disorganization. A common form of disorganization in the office is when employees have difficulty finding the information they need to do their jobs. And research has demonstrated that time spent looking for documents, files, or other information quickly adds up. In a survey of 1,000 knowledge workers, 25% reported spending about 2 hours each day looking for documents or information needed to complete their jobs5. Yet another study found that 57% of employees lost about 6 hours of productivity per week due to disorganization6.

A variety of technologies can be used to help your employees to make more efficient use of their time, including:

  • Shared task planners can help employees to prioritize and block out time for important tasks; when shared across team members, task planners can also clarify task progression and team members’ responsibilities, creating a more organized group process
  • Searchable personal file storage allows employees to conduct keyword searches of their own work documents to efficiently find items that they need to stay on track with assignments
  • Searchable shared file storage allows employees to conduct efficient keyword searches of files owned by their team, department, or across departments
  • Integrated application platforms such as Microsoft 365 allow employees to conduct keyword searches to easily locate files shared through email or over conferencing platforms, which keeps important documents from “falling through the cracks”

Bring In Outside IT Support​

Finally, a creative way of addressing employee productivity is to reduce the amount of time that non-technical employees spend dealing with IT issues. Many bosses are surprised to learn just how much time their managers and other employees spend dealing with the various IT issues that crop up over the course of the work week.

One survey revealed that non-IT workers spend about 22 minutes each day dealing with IT issues7. This may not sound like much until you consider the fact that it amounts to about 18 hours per year for each employee. Using a managed service provider for help desk services and other IT support gives your employees more time to do what they do best for your company.

NexusTek has over 25 years of supporting small and medium-sized businesses to increase productivity and efficiency through more effective use of business technology.

Are you interested in getting quick productivity gains? Consult with an IT expert today.


  1. (2021). How much time do we actually spend on recurring tasks? (Study 2021).
  2. (2019, October 16). Workplace productivity report: How much time is lost to knowledge sharing inefficiencies?
  3. The Economist Intelligence Unit. (2018). Communication barriers in the workplace.
  4. (2022, April 18). Time management statistics and facts that will surprise you.
  5. Stone, B. (2022, February 10). Employees could leave jobs due to disorganization. TechRepublic.
  6. Perrine, J. (2015, November 25). The struggle is real: Disorganization can cost you. Executive Support Magazine.
  7. (2016, March 22). Wasted workday: Employees lose over two weeks each year due to IT-related issues.