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The 3 Elements of a Harmonious Organization

Happy workers are more productive workers. So, treating them with care and respect will bring tangible benefits to your business.

Here are three things to consider when building a harmonious organization (and a couple of quotes we pulled from Glassdoor):

  1. You have the right team in place. Your people are the foundation of your business. You put the time and energy into hiring not only the best, most talented individuals, but those who also align with your organization’s core values and company culture. You incorporate the resources to train them well and keep them engaged. And all that creates a happy team!

“The leadership is loyal. It’s a great mix of the employee-loyalty businesses showed in the past and innovative progress of the current business world. NexusTek is also growing, so it makes working here exciting. NexusTek is also focused on being the best IT Support provider in the Denver area, so the focus on the customer is outstanding.”

  1. You’re driven by a sense of purpose. We all need purpose to not only thrive but also to be happy. When your team knows what they’re working toward, understands the value of their work, and are rewarded for their dedication, that gives them purpose. Managing expectations by clearly laying out objectives, will keep everyone on the same page. When your employees know why they do what they do, they’re invested in the vision, more productive and happier.

“There are opportunities to grow everywhere. The executive team are showing real culture level commitment to being a high growth – high opportunity – highly positive and fulfilling place to work. There is real efforts, commitments, and tangible decisions to point at every day including changes and recalculations based on employee feedback.

  1. You’re in business for the right reasons. As a business owner, you don’t just have a vision for your company’s growth, you have passion for what you do and dedication to the people who are a part of your team. You value the teammates you work with and it shows in how your business delivers value to your customers. Whether you’re B2C or B2B, when you love what you do, it’s infectious. Passion inspires people. And when your team is inspired, they’ll go the extra mile.

“The atmosphere here is very open and management is approachable and open to suggestions. Working with other engineers so far has been great and I regard my peers as very knowledgeable people that I can rely on and try to be an asset to them in return. There are excellent opportunities for advancement because NexusTek is growing rapidly and I’ve already seen promotions happen in my short time here which makes me confident in my future here. Most Importantly, I feel appreciated here and that makes me want to work hard and do my best.”

With a harmonious organization, you’re establishing a foundation for long-term growth and success.